Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Note to self: NEVER try cleaning the sensor on your camera.

Photographers hate spots on pictures. I mean totally freaking HATE them! I had started noticing spots on my pictures when I went to an aperture of f/22. That can only mean one thing, dust on the sensor. Dust. The bane of a photographer. What to do? Well, really the only thing you can do is blow off the dust with one of those handy dandy things you suck a baby's nose out with, but preferably a clean new one. Don't need to be adding baby snot on top of the dust problem.

Don't try blowing the dust off with your mouth either. It won't work. You will probably forget about that piece of gum you have been chewing on and blow that right into your sensor too. Bad idea. And don't do what I ended up doing. I got a soft cloth and attempted to clean my sensor using very fine, tee niney gentle motions. My sensor didn't like the fact that I was rubbing on it. It balked and got two scratches on it just for the hell of it. Probably out of spite for my daring to even look at it. I am actually glad it happened. I had 212.00 sitting around and was wondering what I was going to spend it on. Now I know.... Lesson learned.


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